Monday, January 5, 2009

Platelets Low, Not Going to OSU!

Hello Everyone,

Well, as you can tell from the title my platelets are not cooperating and are too low for me to get the next treatment in the clinical study at Ohio State University. My doctors want me to wait a week and then recheck my platelets. I have a feeling that I will not be much higher next week but time will tell.

The unfortunate thing about this is my mother flew in from Denver to be with me at OSU for the week and now it is not going to happen. Don't get me wrong I love having my mother visit us but when you plan on going somewhere and at the last moment you can't you kinda of feel cheated.

Anyway, I feel pretty good except for the occasional bruise (caused by low platelets). I am trying to get stronger by doing some mild exercise. Hopefully, I will be stronger when the doctor lets me go into transplant which could be any month.

We are hoping for March but you never know exactly until the doctors think I am ready.

Thanks for checking in,


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