Wednesday, December 17, 2008

New Vocabulary Word: Neutropenic

Hello Everyone,
I had a hard working support team with me yesterday at the Hospital, here is Rich taking advantage of a comfy chair while preparing for the long a treacherous ride back to Detroit.

Yesterday, went good except for the horrendous drive home. But, sitting behind the Wheel was my trusty driver and good friend Rich Duntley. He was steady Eddie never wavering with coffee in his veins, an eagle eye, and ever so gentle touch of the breaks and gas, Rich was able to maneuver through freezing rain, ice, heavy snow, large trucks, bad drivers, and basically terrible road conditions. We got home safe and sound but it took and extra 1.5 hours.

Once home, I got real tired and weak and went to bed! It appears the drugs are working and are definitely the harshest drugs I have ever taken. I am working at of home today and will go back to the office on Thursday.

My side effects were dramatically less this second time. I did not experience any Diarrhea or Vomiting which was very welcome. I felt fine most of the day and only at the end of the day did I start getting pretty tired.

I feel OK today but still feel weak and tired but better than last night.

I am Neutropenic which means my 1st line infection fighting immune cells are very low. So, I will not be going to places with crowds or paling around people with colds. I have to be very diligent in hand washing and mouth care.

How can you help us not introduce colds into the Latham household by just realizing if you have a cold or been near a person with a cold. If this is the case then call or email but don't stop over and take few days and get yourself well. Also, during the time where you have a cold in house don't have Scott, Hannah, or Craig over. It is all pretty much common sense!

I have one more round on Dec. 23 and then I am off until Jan. 5.

I hope you all are getting ready of Christmas and celebrate with family and friends. We will staying around Novi most of the break (Dec. 22 to Jan 5) and it is needed.

Thanks for checking in,


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