Hello Everyone,
It is 12:50 am and I can't sleep. I keep thinking about the upcoming treatments and eventually the long awaited stem cell transplant.
It is funny when your up late and have the house to yourself and hearing all the various noises you never hear when the kids are awake and the house is rocking.
Anyways, I wanted to let you know some of the things I have to do before I start the treatments. The first was to get a procedure call EGD, this is when they put a scope down your throat looking for problems. Did that last Tuesday and I still don't feel like myself.
The next procedure is a bone marrow biopsy followed by the CT scan and to wrap it up they now want to insert a "port" (a line that is put into my chest that taps into my main arteries). I will only have this in for about 9 months. :)
I have do all this before I start treatments!
I tell you this because it sucks! I don't like any of it and I am a bit tired of having to put up with it!
But, now that I have vented a bit, I am happy I have options! :)
We all have to do things we don't want to at some point in our lives! Ex. Going off to war, Putting up with a bad boss, dealing with cancer, etc.
What I have learned is I can do one of two things:
1) Feel sorry for myself and complain and make the ones I love feel pity for me
2) Man Up and walk with God as I face the challenge.
I choose #2!
I'm going to bed now!
Take care,